Практичне 10

Перевірка завдань в аудиторії. У разі відсутності на заняття відповіді в форматі Word завантажуються до Moodle, але бал за роботу буде нижчим. Студенти, які відповідали на занятті вже атестовані - завантажувати письмово завдання не потрібно.

a) citing the sources (continued)

b) Purdue Owl Practice. APA  and MLA

  • Below are several MLA formatting questions. You should look the information up on Purdue Owl and save it into a separate .doc file. Then share and discuss what you find with other students. In addition to explaining your answer, you can provide a link to the page where you got your information.
•How do you write an in-text citation in MLA if there is no author’s name given on the source?

•How do you cite a source in MLA when there are two authors?
•How do you cite an Internet source in MLA?
•How do you write a Works Cited citation in MLA for a TV show?

  • Below are several APA formatting questions. You should look the information up on Purdue Owl and save it into a separate .doc file. Then share and discuss what you find with other students. In addition to explaining your answer, you can provide a link to the page where you got your information.

•How do you write an in-text citation in APA if there is no author’s name given on the source?
•How do you cite a source in APA when there are two authors?
•How do you cite an Internet source in APA ?
•How do you write a Works Cited citation in APA for a TV show? 

Home assignment:

1.Download file ‘APA MLA formatting in text and references TASK’ from Moodle .Use MLA format for in-text citations. Use MLA for the references (indicated in the file)Use APA to list other sources in the references section (indicated in the file)
2.Bring the file to discuss it in class.
3.Edit the sample essay in the file ‘File for editing APA’ using APA format (edit font, margins, references, etc.). Highlight your changes and bring the file to discuss in class. or UPLOAD TO MOODLE
4.Edit the sample essay in the file  ‘FILE FOR EDITING MLA’ using MLA format (edit font, margins, references, etc.). Highlight your changes and bring the file to discuss in class. or UPLOAD TO MOODLE

1 Yakhontova tasks 70-74 pages 130-135
2 Task 74 – Use at least one article from Nova Phililogia (Published  by ZNU) highlight the components of the abstract (  e.g. situating the research, summarising the results) 

3 Yakhontova tasks 76-81 pages 136-142 (study  the theory and apply it)
4 Тест 5