

  1. What do all societies have in common?

  2. What does the survival of any society depend on?

  3. What is an economic system?

  4. What are all societies faced with?

  5. What determines the type of economic system?

  6. What are the major kinds of economic systems?

  7. How are the main economic questions decided in society with a traditional economy?

  8. What is the role of individuals in a traditional economy?

  9. What is the main advantage of a traditional economy?

  10. What are the disadvantages of a traditional economy?

  11. What is a command economy?

  12. Who makes most of what, how and for whom decisions in a command society?

  13. What is the major advantage of a command economy?

  14. What disadvantages does the command economy have?

  15. What is a market economy?

  16. How are the basic economic questions answered in a market economy?

  17. What is the main incentive of a market economy?

  18. What advantages does a market economy have?

  19. Why are all economies considered as mixed?

    Business organizations

  1. What is a business organization?

  2. What is the main purpose of a business organization?

  3. What are the major types of business organizations?

  4. What is a sole proprietorship?

  5. What are the advantages of a sole proprietorship?

  6. What are the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship?

  7. What is unlimited liability?

  8. What is a partnership?

  9. What forms of partnerships do you know?

  10. What is the difference between a general partnership and limited partnership?

  11. What are the advantages of a partnership?

  12. What disadvantages do partnerships have?

  13. What is a corporation?

  14. What is necessary to form a corporation?

  15. Who owns a corporation?

  16. What are the advantages of corporate form of ownership?

  17. What disadvantages do corporations have?


  1. What is a market in ancient time?

  2. What is a modern market?

  3. When is a market created?

  4. What kinds of markets do you know?

  5. How do different markets operate?

  6. What are the main features of a market?

  7. How do economists classify markets?

  8. What is a market structure defined by?

  1. What are the names of different market structures?

  2. What is pure competition?

  3. What is monopolistic competition?

  4. What separates monopolistic competition from pure competition?

  5. What is product differentiation?

  6. What is oligopoly?

  7. What is monopoly?


  1. What is demand?

  2. What does the effective demand help to do?

  3. What does the law of demand state?

  4. How do prices affect the quantities demanded?

  5. What is elasticity of demand?

  6. When is demand elastic?

  7. When is demand inelastic?

  8. What factors is demand influenced by?

  9. What is a demand curve?

  10. What does the demand curve show?


  1. What is supply?

  2. Whom do we call a supplier?

  3. What does the law of supply state?

  4. How much of a product will suppliers offer for sale at different prices?

  5. What factors is supply determined by?

  6. Why is it important for a business to analyze the costs?

  7. What categories are costs divided into?

  8. What does fixed cost mean?

  9. What is variable cost?

  10. What is total cost?

  11. What does marginal cost mean?

  12. What is a supply curve?

  13. What does the supply curve show?

    Market price.

  1. What role do prices play in a market economy?

  2. What two important economic functions do prices perform?

  3. What characteristics do prices have in a market economy?

  4. Why is the price system flexible in a market economy?

  5. How do sellers and buyers use prices?

  6. Why do buyers and sellers have the opposite intentions and hopes?

  7. When does the adjustment process take place?

  8. What is market equilibrium?

  9. What messages do price increases and decreases send to suppliers and producers?

  10. What do economists describe as the rationing effect of prices?


  1. What is necessary for any country to grow?

  2. What is labour in economic theory?

  3. What is the national labour force?

  4. What does the size of labour depend on?

  5. What are the factors affecting the wage rate?

  6. What are the major categories of labour?

  7. What kind of work do unskilled workers perform?

  8. What category do workers with mechanical ability fall into?

  9. What kind of work do semiskilled workers perform?

  10. What kind of work are skilled workers able to do?

  11. What is professional labour?

  12. What is a wage rate?

  13. How do supply and demand influence the wage rate?

  14. What does the employer receive instead of wages?


  1. What is money?

  2. How does money function?

  3. What is money as a medium of exchange?

  4. What does money express as a measure of value?

  5. How does money function as a store of value?

  6. What forms of money are in use in the world today?

  7. What does the term currency refer to?

  8. What is the difference between coin and currency?

  9. What are the most important characteristics of modern money?

  10. Why does the value of modern money change in value?


  1. What is the principal purpose of taxation?

  2. What are the principles of taxation?

  3. What do the principles of taxation state?

  4. How are most taxes be classified?

  5. What are the features of proportional, progressive and regressive taxes?

  6. What is a sales tax?

  7. What is the main source of government revenue?

  8. Who is a tax assessor?

  9. Who pays taxes?

  10. What are the criteria of taxation?

  11. Why must government have criteria and standards when it comes about taxes?

  12. What do people think of taxes?


  1. What are banks?

  2. How do banks act?

  3. What needs do banks fulfill in a community?

  4. Why does every country need a central financial institution?

  5. What are Central Banks responsible for?

  6. What are banks liabilities and assets?

  7. What is the difference between assets and liabilities?

  1. What does the term "liquidity" mean?

  2. How do banks receive money from their customers?

  3. In what way does the bank attract customers?

  4. In what way can the bank make more profits?

  5. What is net worth?

  6. What does "balance sheet" mean?

  7. Why would the bonds be a good investment?

  8. How might the bank use its excess funds?

    Речення на переклад:

  1. США мають розвинуту економіку, яка ґрунтується на вільному підприємництві.

  2. Виживання суспільства залежить від того, чи спроможне воно забезпечувати своїх

    людей їжею, одягом та житлом.

  3. Ринок виникає, коли люди, які готові продати товар вступають у контакт з тими,

    хто готовий купити цей товар.

  4. Регресивний податок – це податок, який накладає вищу проценту ставку

    оподаткування на нижчий прибуток.

  5. Банки можуть використовувати надмірні фонди, щоб купляти державні або місцеві
