Micro-culture description and analysis: Student Submission

A) Make a list of all of the different communities or micro-cultures that you move through in the course of a normal day or week. Examples might be: home, your classroom, market, school, bus, friend’s house, church, temple, mosque, online activity etc.

B) Think about these questions: What are the dynamics that are going on for you when you go from one micro-culture to another? Is there one where you feel like you change aspects of yourself to fit in? Is there one that feels different from the others? Is there one where you feel particularly at home?

C) Choose one of the micro-cultures from your list and tell/write about all of the following:

1.      What are core elements (practices, products, people, perspectives) that make this community a culture?

2.      What do you need to know/do to belong in this culture?

3.      Is it open to everyone?

4.      What aspects of yourself (your identities) belong “comfortably” in this community?

5.      What do you have to change about yourself when you are in this community?

6.      What parts of yourself do you not share?