Wednesday 17 July 2024 13:05 PM
Сайт: Система електронного забезпечення навчання ЗНУ
Курс: Іноземна мова професійно-комунікативної спрямованості (4 курс Менеджмент, Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність) Дибчинська Яна Станіславівна (ІМПКС (4 курс))
Глосарій: Banking Jargon

Account Balance

the amount of money left in the bank account after all deposits, withdrawals, interest and bank charges have been taken into consideration, net balance.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

an indication of how much interest will be charged on a loan. Usually, the higher the APR on a loan, the more interest will have to be paid (assuming that all other things are equal). APR rates between different banks can be compared to get an indication of which is more expensive.

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

the amount earned on an interest-bearing investment in a year, expressed as a percentage. When the APY is the same as the interest rate on an investment, simple interest is earned. But when the APY is higher than the interest rate, the interest is being compounded, which accumulating interest – a good way to make the money grow even faster.

Available Balance

may be different from the balance that is available to the account holder for spending, withdrawal or transfer. If a cheque has been deposited, but not cleared by the issuing bank, the funds will not be available to the account holder even though they may show up in the account's stated total balance.