Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 1:11 PM
Site: Система електронного забезпечення навчання ЗНУ
Course: Іноземна мова професійно-комунікативної спрямованості (4 курс Менеджмент, Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність) Дибчинська Яна Станіславівна (ІМПКС (4 курс))
Glossary: Banking Jargon

Cheque Account

also known as a transmission or transactional account, a cheque account is a bank account that is used to deposit and withdraw money. Money can be added or removed from the account by visiting the bank branch, using an ATM or Internet banking or in the old-fashioned way, by writing a cheque. These days a debit card is usually issued to withdraw funds or make purchases from a cheque account. Some banks may require a minimum balance to open or maintain the account.

Compound Interest

calculated, not just on the original amount, but also on the interest that has already been earned.

Credit Check

a review of the credit history made by a lender or other financial services provider when an individual makes a credit application. The result of a credit will affect the decision of the lender.

Credit crunch

occurs when the supply of credit evaporates and there is a reduction in the availability of loans.

Credit Rating

a formal evaluation of an individual’s ability to pay interest and repay borrowed money, as published by a credit rating agency or service.