Wednesday 17 July 2024 12:53 PM
Сайт: Система електронного забезпечення навчання ЗНУ
Курс: Іноземна мова професійно-комунікативної спрямованості (4 курс Менеджмент, Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність) Дибчинська Яна Станіславівна (ІМПКС (4 курс))
Глосарій: Stock Exchange Jargon

Strike/Exercise Price

Fancy Way to Say: Stated price of an option contract An option contract states the price at which the security can be bought/sold if exercised. This price is the strike price.

Technical Analysis

Fancy Way to Say: Charting Technical analysis refers to the use of past price and volume date to try and predict future trends.


A derogatory term used for a stock which used to trade in higher realms but has fallen back to the teens.


Fancy Way to Say: 1/16th Tis much easier to say tennie than sixteenth. 5/16ths would be 5 teenies.


Fancy Way to Say: American Telephone & Telegraph, Ma Bell, AT&T Nickname for the stock based on its ticker symbol, T.

Triple Witching

Fancy Way to Say: Mass Derivative (i.e. options, futures) Expiration Four times a year, on the third Friday of the quarter ending month (March, June, September, December) three different types of derivatives related to stocks expire: Options on Individual Stocks; Options on Stock Index; Futures; Stock Index Futures. The 'mass' expiration can cause wild gyrations and false moves in prices as contracts are covered, rolled over, etc.


Fancy Way to Say: Time Warner Nickname for the stock based on its ticker symbol, TWX.


Fancy Way to Say: Price Increase The term uptick is used to explain the change in price in a security when the last trade occurred at a higher price than the previous trade. In others words, the security ticked up.

Window Dressing

Fancy Way to Say: Show the Mutual Fund Holders What They Want to See Mutual Funds send out quarterly reports to their holders which detail, among other things, the Fund's holdings as of the end of the quarter. This happens four times a year (March, June, September, December). What happens on the last day of the quarter is fund managers will want to get some of the quarter's biggest winners into the portfolio to show investors they do own these big gainers. Also, they may blow out the big losers so as not to be invested in a 'dog'. These last minute shenanigans cause exaggerated moves in these stocks.

Zero Minus Tick

Fancy Way to Say: Price Decrease happened recently A zero minus tick is one in which the last trade price is the same as the previous trade price, but it is less than the most recent different price. In other words, the last time the price changed, it happened on a downtick.