Wednesday 17 July 2024 12:44 PM
Сайт: Система електронного забезпечення навчання ЗНУ
Курс: Іноземна мова професійно-комунікативної спрямованості (4 курс Менеджмент, Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність) Дибчинська Яна Станіславівна (ІМПКС (4 курс))
Глосарій: Stock Exchange Jargon


Fancy Way to Say: Holding a net negative share position in a stock While owning stock, or being long, is a way to profit from price appreciation, there must be a way to profit from a decrease in price. One can do so by shorting a stock. When one is short, she actually carries a negative share position.

Short Squeeze

Fancy Way to Say: 'Fake' Buying There are two types of purchases in the investment world: purchase to go long; purchase to cover a short. Initiating a long is considered 'real' buying in that a position of ownership is being initiated. This position is meant to participate in the appreciation of the security. However, there are also those which are short a given security. And from time to time an event will happen which leads shorts to want to cover, sometimes at any price. This leads to furious, get out at any cost, buying. When this happens seemingly incredible rallies appear, taking out offers with a vengeance. But, it's not looked at as 'real' buying as once the shorts are done covering who will be left to continue buying? The bids will disappear and the security will generally return to more natural levels.

Short the Box/Selling Short Against the Box

Fancy Way to Say: Lock in a gain on a long position without closing the long What happens when: you're long with a hefty gain; you don't want to close your long and incur a large tax event; you believe the stock will trend lower for a while before turning to the upside again? The answer? Short the box. What one does is sell short against their long position. This is different than closing the long. Instead of having no position in the stock, one will be both long as well as short the same quantity of stock. While the net effect is that of holding no shares, the long was not sold. Thus, there is no tax effect. Gains are locked in up to that date as any fall in the long position is offset by the gain from holding the short. Conversely, if the stock continues to climb, gains from the long are offset by the loss in the short position. When the short sale is closed it creates a taxable event. The gain or loss will be reported. But once again the holder will be long the stock and resume participating in the appreciation of the shares. Or taking part in the fall.


Fancy Way to Say: Large order When a larger than average order takes place in a stock it is said to be in size. For a thin stock which trades 20,000 shares a day and rarely sees one individual trade of more than 1,000 shares size may be anything in the realm of four figures. For a highly liquid stock size may mean in the hundreds of thousands. It's all relative but comes down to the individual issue.


Fancy Way to Say: Schlumberger Shorthand for the stock based on its ticker symbol, SLB.


Fancy Way to Say: S&P 500 Futures Just a bit of shorthand. What do you think is easier to say? Hey, look at the S&P 500 futures rally! or Hey, look at the spoos rally!


Fancy Way to Say: S&P 500 Tracking Stock If an investor wants to participate in the performance of the S&P 500 she could buy shares in all 500 of the stocks held in it. Besides a large capital investment this strategy would also incur high commissions. There is however a security which tracks the performance of the S&P 500. It's nickname is the Spyders based on its ticker symbol, SPY.


Fancy Way to Say: Inktomi Not the most creative nickname in the world, but one we happen to like.

Strike/Exercise Price

Fancy Way to Say: Stated price of an option contract An option contract states the price at which the security can be bought/sold if exercised. This price is the strike price.