Wednesday 17 July 2024 12:48 PM
Сайт: Система електронного забезпечення навчання ЗНУ
Курс: Іноземна мова професійно-комунікативної спрямованості (4 курс Менеджмент, Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність) Дибчинська Яна Станіславівна (ІМПКС (4 курс))
Глосарій: Stock Exchange Jargon


Fancy Way to Say: Market Maker A market maker is a firm responsible for 'making a market', or providing liquidity, in a stock. It takes the risk of being a buyer(seller) of last resort when needed. On the New York Stock Exchange there is only one market maker for each stock, the specialist. A specialist can make a market for more than one stock, but each stock does have only one specialist. However, on the Nasdaq a stock can, and in the case of more liquid stocks, often does have more than one market maker. Each market maker is responsible for posting its best bid and best offer on the stock. This information is available in a Nasdaq Level II display


Fancy Way to Say: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Shorthand for this major market maker always present on the Level II. It is based on its Level II initials, MSCO.


Fancy Way to Say: Un-hedged Being naked in a position means there is no protection against an adverse move. In other words, the position is exposed to a move counter to that which is expected.

Noon Balloon

Fancy Way to Say: Midday Rally Whenever a rally occurs during the day's doldrums we've come to call it a noon balloon. It can however happen at any slow, midday hour, not just 12:00PM. These are tough to game as they usually come at a time of day when volume is thinnest. This presents the problem that they can end just as quickly as they began. A close relative of the noon swoon.

Noon Swoon

Fancy Way to Say: Midday Sell-off Whenever a sell-off occurs during the day's doldrums we've come to call it a noon swoon. It can however happen at any slow, midday hour, not just 12:00PM. These are tough to game as they usually come at a time of day when volume is thinnest. This presents the problem that they can end just as quickly as they began.

Offer # at $

Fancy Way to Say: Sell so many shares at a specified price While this may have no relevance to internet investors/traders, it is how one would communicate an order to sell to a broker and/or trader. For example, Offer 1,000 XYZ at $100 simply means sell 1,000 shares of XYZ for no less than $100.

Out of the Money

Fancy Way to Say: Not Profitable In the case of a call option, when the price of the security is below the strike price. For a put option, when the price of the security exceeds the strike price.


Fancy Way to Say: Too Far Too Fast There are many technical indicators which can be used when charting securities. There is a family of indicators called oscillators which signal when a security has moved too far too fast in a particular direction. Overbought indicates a security has run up much more than is usual for the it in a given period of time. Conversely, oversold indicates a security has sold off much more than usual in a given amount of time. The indicator implies the security is due for a breather. Many will interpret a breather as a reversal. That is, a security which is oversold is due for an upside bounce while an overbought security would be due for a decline. However, the way oscillators are designed, an overbought security can leave the overbought area simply by churning sideways for a time. The same holds true for and oversold condition. As with all indicators, it is just one piece of a larger puzzle and its use is often more effective when coupled with other analysis.


Fancy Way to Say: Pe Biosystems Nickname for PE Biosystems based on its ticker, PEB.


Fancy Way to Say: Contract to sell A put is an option contract which gives the holder the right to sell at a predetermined price before a stated expiration date.