Питання до заліку


1. What do the key principles of Confucian teaching include?

2. Who is the founder of the field of intercultural communication?

3. When was the term «intercultural communication» first used?

4. What does socio-philosophical basis of intercultural business communication include?.What is communication ethics?

5.What is the distinction between ethics and morality?

6.What is a Credo for Ethical Communication adopted by the National Communication Association?

7.What is one of the biggest debates in the field of intercultural communication?

8.How does Dr. Robert Martin Shuter treat ethics in intercultural communication?

9.Describe «five golden approaches» to ethics according to Edward Hall.

10.What is «categorical imperative»?

11.What principles does David Kale propose as a universal code of ethics for intercultural communication?

12.What principles does Judith N. Martin offer for ethical communication?

13.When may ethical issues arise in human communication?

14.What is communication ethics?

15.What is the distinction between ethics and morality?

16.What is a Credo for Ethical Communication adopted by the National Communication Association?

17.What is one of the biggest debates in the field of intercultural communication?

18.How does Dr. Robert Martin Shuter treat ethics in intercultural communication?

19.Describe «five golden approaches» to ethics according to Edward Hall.

20.What is «categorical imperative»?

21.What principles does David Kale propose as a universal code of ethics for intercultural communication?

22.What principles does Judith N. Martin offer for ethical communication?

23.When may ethical issues arise in human communication?


Zuletzt geändert: Wednesday, 27. January 2021, 16:00