Питання до заліку


Модуль 1

1.    What does Professional Rhetoric investigate?

2.    What does the study of Intercultural Communication involve?

3.    Give the reasons why study Professional Rhetoric and Intercultural Communication?

4.    Creative problem solving is the reason which is essential to any professional activity. Why?

5.    What city is considered to be the birthplace of classical rhetoric?

6.    Who were the Sophists? What was the main field of their activity?

7.    What involves the negative connotation that we have with the word “sophist” today? Why?

8.    Explain Aristotle’s definition of rhetoric.

9.    What was Cicero’s approach to rhetoric?

10.Who was the author of the Five Canons of Rhetoric? What are they?

11.Which events caused another shift in the study of rhetoric in the 20th century?

12.Enumerate the main elements of Hall's paradigm for Intercultural Communication. What are the primary academic disciplines involved in Intercultural Communication studies?

13.What is the scope of Intercultural Communication?

14.What were the main contributions of the various fields to Intercultural Communication?

15.Give the definition of “culture”?

16.What constitutes a “culture”?

17.Give the definition of “language”?

18.When does Intercultural communication take place?

19.    What are the basic functions of language?

20.    Explain the essence of a descriptive function?

21.    Give the definition of the language expressive function?

22.    What does a social function of language include?

23.    Give the examples of formal and informal oral communication.

24.    What does written communication involve?

25.    What does the low-context concept imply?

26.    Give a definition of a high-context communication.

27.    Provide the examples of high- and low-context cultures.

28.What is metamessage?

29.What have communication styles been associated with?

30.What is the difference between direct and indirect communication styles?

31.Give the main characteristics of the elaborate, exacting and succinct communication styles.

32.What dimensions are personal and contextual communication styles related to in intercultural studies?

33.What kind of language does the instrumental style employ?

34.What are the roles speaker and listener in the affective style?

35.Give the definitions of positive and negative politeness.

36.What are the two kinds of linguistic politeness strategies? Give the examples.

37.What does the term “contextualization cue” imply?

38.What are the major LAC criteria by Müller-Jacquier? When do we use them?

Модуль 2

1.    What does nonverbal communication involve?

2.    Enumerate the major functions of nonverbal communication.

3.    What does proxemics deal with?

4.    How many distance zones did Edward T Hall (1966) specify?

5.    What is the most comfortable distance to speak to a stranger?

6.    Which distance zone is usually used for public speaking?

7.    Give a short description of each zone

8.    When are the biometric concepts used in proxemics? What are they?

9.    Gestures can be divided into categories according to the functions they perform: describe these categories.

10.How can emotions be detected through body postures?

11.What are the aspects involved with oculesics? Describe them.

12.What are the reasons of pupil dilation?

13.Give the definition of haptics.

14.What are the five categories of haptics?

15.Give the examples of culturally dependent amount of touching.

16.Explain the therapeutic value of touch.

17.What does the term vocalics imply?

18.What does pitch convey?

19.Give the reasons for adjusting the voice volume in intercultural communication.

20.How do the speaking rate and tone of voice influence the process of communication?

21.Define verbal fillers.

22.Explain the communicative functions of vocalics.

23.What is the chronemics’ field of study?

24.What is the difference between biological time and personal time?

25.What does cultural time refer to?

26.How does polychronic or monochronic orientation to time influence the process of communication?

27.What components does personal presentation involve?

28.What massages do artefacts send?

Модуль 3

1.    What is the essence of rhetorical communication?

2.    What elements are included in the rhetorical communication model?

3.    What are the constituents of the decoding process?

4.    When does the improper encoding occur?

5.    Describe the essence and types of noise.

6.    Give the definition of the rhetorical situation.

7.    The rhetorical situation involves three elements. What are they?

8.    Which type of public speaking should you use for your informative and persuasive speeches?

9.    What is one of very fearful speaking situations for most people?

10.What is the purpose of ceremonial speaking?

11.Who uses persuasive speaking most often?

12.What are the most powerful tools of persuasion?

13.What type of figure of speech is antithesis?

14.What is a vivid description which can be inherently moving called?

15.What are logos, ethos and pathos?

16.How do ethos, pathos and logos relate to topics (topoi) of rhetoric? How do they fit together?

17.Are logos, ethos and pathos employed in normal day-to-day conversations or just used in speeches?

18.Why do people use logos?

19.How can you use ethos in public speaking?

Модуль 4

1.    What is the process of developing and refining your arguments referred to as?

2.    What does memory-work consist of?

3.    What does the process of practicing how you deliver your speech involve?

4.    Give the definition of style.

5.    What is important to know about the audience?

6.    Why is timing important?

7.    What is stasis?

8.    What does stasis involve?

9.    Which common topics are especially helpful in forming arguments?

10.What are the elements of arrangement?

11.How can you announce your subject in a way that grabs your audience’s attention?

12.Why is establishing credibility essential?

13.Why should we show our audience possible reasons of our argument to be faulty?

14. What are the main rules of speaking with greater clarity?

15.    Give a definition of a rhetorical device.

16.    Why do speakers use rhetorical devices?

17.    What are the most often used figures of speech? Why?

18.    What are the figures of speech most difficult to use?

19.    What kind of rhetorical devices do politicians prefer?

20.    Enumerate the figures of repetition.

21.    Give a list of figures of comparison?

22.    How is indirect reference to a person, event or piece of literature called?

23.    What is the difference between metonymy and metaphor?

24.Explain the essence of synecdoche.

25.How can we describe an argument?

26.What components does an argument include?

27.Enumerate the types of claims.

28.What is deductive / inductive reasoning? Explain the difference.

29.Explain the essence of a rhetorical syllogism.

30.What is a logical fallacy?

31.List the most used informal fallacies.

Modifié le: Monday 24 January 2022, 04:12