Next, let's discuss how you can build an intelligent chatbot on top of an already existing solution. Increasingly, customers do not want to go to your website and click on a button or even send you an email, they want to talk to someone interactively. The first solution years ago was setting up a call center and manually answering each call, but that doesn't scale. So many companies have turned to automation and machine learning to help solve this problem. Gartner estimates that in a few years, companies will be investing more in creating conversational interfaces like chatbots than even on mobile app development. Is this chatbot demo just the Speech API paired with a transcription service on top? Nope. What I'm showing here is a high level conversational agent tool called Dialogflow, which has ML built into its conversations. Dialogflow is a platform for building natural and rich conversational experiences. It was formerly named until Google acquired it and rebranded it into Dialogflow. At its core, Dialogflow is a powerful natural language understanding engine to process and understand natural language input. In other words, it lets you easily achieve a conversational user experience by handling the natural language understanding for you. Dialogflow has seen continuous growth in its developer community and is becoming a conversational experience standard. Google is an AI company with a goal to make AI easy, fast, and useful for enterprises and developers. Dialogflow is built on some of the same world-class AI assets and capabilities that were originally developed for products like Gmail and Search with new ones being utilized on an ongoing basis. It incorporates Google's ever-growing AI experience including machine learning expertise, search capabilities, speech recognition, and of course natural language understanding. It has built-in entity recognition which enables your agent to identify entities and label by types such as person, organization, location, events, products, and media. Also sentiment analysis to give an understanding of the overall sentiment expressed in a block of text. Even content classification, allows you to classify documents in over 700 predefined categories like common greetings and conversational styles. It has multi-language support so you can analyze text in multiple languages. Dialogflow works by putting all of these ML capabilities together which you can then optimize for your own training data and use case. Dialogflow then creates unique algorithms for each specific conversational agent, which continuously learns and is trained and retrained as more and more users engage with your agent. The three core benefits to using Dialogflow are building conversational experiences faster, engaging end users more efficiently, and maximizing reach across geographies and platforms. Build your agent quickly by starting with just a few training phrases or using one of over 40 pre-built agents. These pre-built agents can be used directly out of the box or imported into your agent to build on and customize for your own use case. These include everything from food delivery to hotel reservations to news and reminders. You can easily import these pre-built agents from the Dialogflow console. You can rely on Dialogflow's built-in natural language understanding capabilities, model training, and analytics that are already taken care of for you. Dialogflow's built-in analytics can tell you a lot about your users' interactions with your agent. For example, it can show you the breakdown of how often different intents are triggered. This shows you how your users are spending their time in conversation with your agent. This can also help you prune any underutilized intents. You can also deploy your agent on multiple platforms and utilize single-click integration such as Facebook Messenger, Kik, Twilio, Twitter, Slack, and Cisco Spark just to name a few. The Google Assistant integration allows you to quickly deploy your agent to any Assistant-enabled platform such as the mobile app or Google Home device. The web demo integration allows you to test out your chatbot in an embedded web page. There are also integrations for other popular apps such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, and Twitter which are enabled with quick authentication. With all of these features and the natural-language understanding good built-in, let's see the kind of smart, rich, relevant conversations that Dialogflow can bring to life.