Письмове завдання есе (250-300 слів, 4 абзаци) про види транспорту у вашому місті (у місті, в якому навчаєтесь)/ 'The best means of transport for students in my city (the city I study in)'

Написати есе (250-300 слів, 4 абзаци) про види транспорту у  вашому місті (у місті, в якому навчаєтесь)/ 'The best means of transport for students in my city (the city I study in)'

Порівняти переваги та недоліки кожного з видів транспортів (для вас  особисто чи для студентів взагалі). Тип есе Compare and Contrast essay. Використати лексику - Vocabulary page 155

Структура есе -  4 paragraphs :

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Benefits of (type of transport)
Paragraph 3: Issues/problems of (type of transport)
Paragraph 4: Conclusion


a. Paragraph 1- Introduction

Sentence 1- Paraphrase the Question

Sentence 2-Outline the sentence

Sentences 3 and 4 - list and briefly describe the types of transport one can find in your city

Sentence 5- topic sentence: your main idea (the best means of transport for students is...)

b. Paragraph 2- Body Paragraph 1 (type of transport 1)

Sentence 1- State the benefit

Sentences 2-4 - Explain how it brings this benefit

Sentence 5-6- Write an example

c. Paragraph 3 – Body Paragraph 2 (type of transport 2)

Sentence 1- State the issue/problem

Sentence 2-4-Explain how it leads to this issue/problem

Sentence 5-6- Write an example

d. Paragraph 4- Conclusion

Sentences 1-3 Summarize and paraphrase the main points of the essay

Sentence 4-6  conclude which means of transport is better and why

Useful vocabulary for Comparison points
  • likewise
  • similarly
  • also
  • to be the same as
  • both… and…
  • neither… nor…
  • not only… but also…
  • to be alike
  • just like (+ noun)
  • to be similar (to)
  • similar to (+ noun)
  • to compare (to/with)
Useful vocabulary for Contrasting points
  • in contrast
  • by comparison
  • in comparison
  • on the other hand
  • whereas
  • while
  • however
  • but
  • to differ from
  • to be dissimilar to
  • to be different (from)
  • to be unlike