Питання, що виносяться на залік

Перелік питань до заліку


1.      Literature and its significance for Language Students.

2.      Different kind of reading. Close-reading.

3.      Evolution of Literary Theory and its Basics.

4.      Genre in Literary Theory. Genre Paradigm.

5.      Epic genres and their evolution. Techniques for reading epos.

6.      Lyric genres and their evolution. Techniques for reading lyrics.

7.      Dramatic genres and their evolution. Techniques for reading drama.

8.      Modern approaches to studying literature: historical and biographical methodologies.

9.      Modern approaches to studying literature: fomalism.

10.   Modern ways of studying literature: psychological and archetypal approaches.

11.   Modern approaches to studying literature: reader-response criticism.

12.   Modern approaches to literature: feminism and gender studies.

13.   New media genres.

14.   Style in Literary Theory. Types of styles.

15.   Different layers of studying style.

16.   Analyzing an individual author’s style.


Analyze a given piece of literature: define its genre and style peculiarities.

Last modified: Saturday, 4 September 2021, 2:23 PM