Англійська мова професійного спрямування (частина 2)


Unit 11

At the Competition

I belong to a famous Sports club and I am on the water-polo team together with some more students from our group. We often take part in competitions. We are all good sports-group.

The last time we participated in a competition in July. It was a great sporting event in my life. The competition took place at the biggest stadium in Kyiv. It was a national championship in track-and-field athletics. Our team had trained hard for the competitions. On the first day of the competitions Lvov team proved to be the winner. On the second day the team from Kyiv showed good result and forged ahead. Shortly it moved into the lead and won the competition on points.

 As a result the Kyiv team became the champion of this competition. Several track-and-field athletes from Lvov showed their best results and even set up records in individual championship.


to belong - належати

to take part - брати участь

competition - змагання

to participate - брати участь

national championship - першість країни

track-and-field - легка атлетика

to train hard - багато тренуватися

to forge ahead - вириватися вперед

to win on points - вигравати за очками

individual championship - особиста першість

        Speech exercises

    I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

       1. What sports club do you belong to?

       2. What team are you on?

       3. What do you often take part in?

       4. When did you participate in a competition last?

       5. Where did the competition take place?

       6. How did you train before the competition?

       7. What team proved to be the winner on the first day?

       8. What did the team from Kyiv win the competition in?

       9. Whose track-and-field athletes set up records in individual championship?

       II. True or false:

       1. The last time we participated in a competition in June.

       2. As a result the Lvov team became the champion of this competition.

       3. We rarely take part in competitions.     

       4. It was a regional championship in track-and-field athletics.

III. Insert prepositions wherever necessary:

1. Physical culture and sport came___everyday life ___ the people. 2. Both girls and boys who want to participate ___ the contest must come tomorrow. 3. Many __ the books that I read last month belong ___ my friend. 4. ___ two o'clock tomorrow we shall repeat the grammar material ___ the exam. 5. We had dinner ___ 3 o'clock yesterday. 6. Boxers usually practise ___ boxing halls. 7. The students ___ our University take up different kinds ___ sport. 8. ____ wet days we usually have our training lessons in sports halls. 9. A warming-up period lasts ___ 20 minutes.

IV. Retellthedialogue. Play the dialogue adding different kinds of sport:

B: At last I met you, Den. Where were you all the time?

D: You see, I went to Lvov to take part in competitions.

B: Oh, really! Then tell me about your impressions.
D: Didn't you follow the results of this competition on TV, radio and newspapers?
B: Of course, I did. But I'd like to hear about your own participation.
D: To my great regret, I couldn't take part in the competition because I sprained my ankle during one of the last training.
B: Worse luck. At any rate you could watch the competition from the very beginning to end.
D: Surely, they were exciting. Some sportsmen showed splendid results.
B: Who impressed you better?
D: Young fellow from our team took the gold medal. And his performance was really the keenest.
B: OK. I am in a hurry for my classes now. Let's meet some other day and you'll tell everything in details.
D: OK. Good-bye. 
B: Bye.

Grammar exercises

I. Insert articles wherever necessary:

1. ___ milk is necessary for children. 2. After ___ dinner we went home. 3. It happened nearly ___ year ago. 4. ___ British drive on ___ left-hand side in their country. 5. We did our homework and then played ___ tennis yesterday. 6. I went to ___ library of Foreign Literature last ___ week. 7. Is there ___ river or ___ wood near ___ place where you live? 8. ___ largest and deepest ocean in ___ world is ___ Pacific Ocean. 9. Did you go to ____ Dnipro for ___ holiday last summer? 10. ___ Caucasus is famous for its ___ holiday centres.

II. Insert «some», «any», «no», «every»:

        1. There are ___ schools in this street. 2. Dinner was ready, so she gave the children ___bread and butter. 3. Does your friend know ___ foreign language perfectly? 4. There is ___ tea in my cup. 5. There are ___ people in the streets because it is cold. 6. Are there ___ mistakes in my dictation? 7. Were there ___ foreign teams at the last competitions? 8. I have some letters for you but they are without ___ addresses. 9. I would like ___ more coffee. 10. There aren't ___ cakes left, so we'll have to buy ___ more.

 III. Translate into English and convert Present/Past into Past/Present:

1. Будь ласка, дайте мені трохи води. Я хочу пити. 2. Був хто-небудь з ваших тренерів на стадіоні вчора? 3. Деякі з цих спортсменів є майстрами спорту. 4. Хто може дати мені ручку? 5. Деякі доповіді були достатньо цікавими. 6. Ось кілька фотографій міста, в якому я живу. 7. Деяким дітям не подобаються рухливі ігри. 8. У мене немає ніяких питань. 9. Я не бачу будь-які помилки в цій контрольній роботі. 10. У тебе є декілька англійських журналів.

 IVFind and correct the grammar mistakes:

1. Please, give I your watch!

2. Try do not to make mistakes in your dictation!

3. Let us gone to the theatre.

 4. Let him fetches the book!

 5. Have more practices in English.

 6. Left your father alone, he is tired.

 7. Don't break the cup, is careful!

 8. Been more attentive at the lessons.

 9. Give my some bread, please.

 10. Takes your brother for a walk.

V. Put all possible questions to the sentences:

1.The friendship between the boys was very great.

2.Marian is the beauty of the team.

3.The competition took place at the biggest stadium in Kyiv.

        Unit 12

Track-and-Field Athletics

Track-and-field athletics is a world-wide sport that has grown in popularity since the days of Greeks. Records of organized competitions in track events date back from the first Olympic Games in 775 B.C. It is a sport in which techniques constantly change as stronger athletes taught by better coaches break through new record barriers.

Track-and-field athletics includes many events, such as: running: middle distance race, steeple-chase, relay race, cross-country race; 1) trial run, running on toes, running in the curve, jogging, drive to accumulate, find race etc.; 2) jumping: high jump, scissors high jump, long jump, hop, step and jump, pole vault, standing jump, squat, jump, running jump, standing hop, etc.; the discus throwing, the hammer throwing, the javelin throwing, the shot-put, walking, pentathlon and decathlon.

Each of these events has its own skill and many of them are difficult to learn. There is a lot to learn in this sport.

The young athlete who trains without purpose or proper direction will soon tire of the sport. There are certain general principles which must be followed. The athlete studies his event as both its technique and training methods.

The «Queen of Sport» is not exacting. Any kind of stadium or court is a fine training place for a jumper, a runner, a shot-putter or hammer-thrower.


track-and-field athletics - легка атлетика

constantly changes - постійно змінюється

to include - включати

middle-distance race / run - біг на середню дистанцію

steeple-chase - біг з перешкодами

relayrace - естафетний біг

crosscountryrace - біг по пересіченій місцевості

trial run - контрольний біг

running on toes - біг на носках (ніг)

running in the curve - біг на повороті

joggingjog - розминочний біг

drivetoaccelerate - біг з прискоренням

finalrace - фінальний біг

highjump - стрибок у висоту

scissorshighjump - стрибок у висоту з переступом

longjump - стрибок у довжину

hotstepandjump - потрійний стрибок

polevault - стрибок із шестом

standingjump - стрибок з місця

squatjump - стрибок із зігнутими ногами

longjumpwithrunning - стрибок у довжину з розбігу

runningjump - стрибок з розбігу

standinghopstepandjump - потрійний стрибок з місця

discusthrowing - метання диска

hammerthrowing - метання молота

javelinthrowing - метання списа

shot-put - штовхання ядра

walking - спортивна ходьба

pentathlon - пятиборство

decathlon - десятиборство

Speech exercises

    I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

1.What time has track-and-field athletics grown in popularity?

2.How far do competitions in track events date back from?

3.When do techniques change in this kind of sport?

4.What events does the track-and-field athletics include?

5.What happens to the athletes who train without purpose?

6.What must a young athlete follow?

7.Where can athletes have their training lessons?

       II. True or false:

       1.  Each of these events has its own skill and many of them are easy to learn.

       2.  Track-and-field athletics includesa few events.

       3.  The young athlete who trains without purpose will soon tire of the sport.   

       4.  The athlete studies his event as both its technique and training methods.

       5.  Records of competitions in track events date back from the first Olympics.

6.  Any kind of stadium or court is a fine training place for a jumper or runner.

       III. Insert propositions wherever necessary:

1. Be quicker or you'll be late ___ your lessons. 2. What event are you taking part ___ ? 3. Can you say that track-and-field is the leading sport ___ our country? 4. Two runners should be ___ two meters apart. 5. Our opponents are ___ good form. 6. What kind ___ jumping do you know? 7. I have special training lessons three times ___ a week: ___ Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 8. Every training lesson begins ___ a warming-up period. 9. The boy disappeared ___ the corner. 10. You can address the referee ___ the captain only.

IV. Compose and play the dialogue using vocabulary notes after the text.

Grammar exercises

I. Insert articles wherever necessary:

1. Track-and-field athletics is ___ leading sport in our country. 2. It's very dark here. Will you turn on ___ light, please? 3. I wonder why ___ Browns haven't come yet. 4. Charles Dickens, one of ___ most popular English novelists, was born on ___ 7th of February, 1812. 5. How long does it take you to get to ___ University on foot? 6. ___book, I took from the library, is very interesting. 7. ___ door is locked, we can't get into. 8. I advise you to hide ___ matches far from ___ children. 9. You can't make ___ child obey you by shouting at him all ___ time. 10. ___ expression of ___ child's face said that he didn't believe a single word of ___ story.

II. Find and correct the grammar mistakes:

1.She tolds me something interesting.

2.There are something on the shelf but I don't know what it is.

3.Somebody were here before.

4.Did he left anything for me?

5.Did anyone of your group spoke at the conference?

6.Anybody can done it.

7.Nobody can to help me in my trouble.

8.Take anything you wanted.

9.Everybody must to come in time.

       III. Put all possible questions to the sentences:

1.There are some mistakes in your home exercise.

2.She put everything in her room in order.

3.Everybody was glad to see her.

        4.  Each of these events has its own skill. 

        5.  Many of them are difficult to learn.

        IV. Choose the right pronouns:

       1.  We took (some, any) biscuits and (some, no, any) cheese with us.

2.  If (everything, somebody, anybody) calls please tell them I shall be back.

3.  I have (everybody, somebody, anybody, nothing) to say.

4.  It is (any, some, every) distance to station so we must walk fast.

5.  I have (everything, anything, something) to tell you.

6.  I don't care what (everything, something, someone, some) thinks. I have my        own point of view.

7.  (everybody, everyone, someone, some) people believe that bee-stings are a cure for rheumatism.

8.  I did it without (some, any) help.

9.  He had (something, any, some) success but not a great deal.

10. In (some, any) case you must not forget to do that.

V. Make sentences negative and interrogative:

1.Somebody must explain it to her.

2.Everybody can learn a foreign language.

3.I have some medals.

4.There is somebody in the next room.

5.Everybody knows everything about it.

6.Give me some water please.

       Unit 13

Lawn Tennis

Tennis is the kind of sports I like best of all and therefore I decided to choose it as my sporting speciality.

Tennis is a very beautiful game. It is played with a small ball and rackets on a level court. The court is divided across its middle by a net and includes four service courts, two back courts and two alleys. The alleys are used in playing doubles game (two on a side) but not in playing the singles game (one on a side). Singles court is used for singles game doubles court is used for doubles game. It is divided into two equal parts by a line, so that on each side of the net there are two courts: a right court and a left court. A net is attached to the ports at a height of 0.91 metre or 1.06 metre and must be 1 m in its centre.

The players must stand on opposite sides of the net. The player who first delivers the ball is called the server, and the other the receiver. The choice of sides and right to be server or receiver in the first game shall be decided by toss. The player winning the toss may choose or require his opponent to choose: a) the right to be server or receiver in which case the other player shall choose the side or; b) the side in which case the other player shall choose the right to be server or receiver.

To begin a game one player tosses up a ball and bats it over the net with his racket. This is called serving. The server must serve first from the right-hand side of the court standing with both feet back of the base-line, and must bat the ball so that it will fall in the service court diagonally opposite him; if he fails to do this it is called a «fault» and he immediately tries again.

If he serves a fault twice in succession, a point is scored to the opponent (0:15). When the first point has been won or lost the same player serves again; this time from the left side and he continues to serve alternately from right and left side-hand until the games finished. The service ball must not be back over the net before it has touched the ground.

Any player to whom a ball is returned must return it is like manners. Playing continues after each service until one of the players fails to return the ball. The ball must not be played until it has passed over the net.

 After the first point is made up, a player counts fifteen, the second fifteen making thirty, the third ten making forty and the fourth wins the game.

 Experienced tennis players must use different tactics against every opponent. Experts say that a tennis player's style reflects his character.


on a level court - на рівному корті

acrossitsmiddle - посередині

backcourt - задня частина корту

alley - коридор

doubles game - парна гра

singles game - одиночна гра

right service court - праве поле подачі

to deliver the ball - подавати м'яч

choice of sides - вибір сторін (поля)

right to be server - право подавати

totoss - проводити жеребкування

totossup - підкидати м'яч під час подачі

base-line - задня лінія

fault - невірно поданий м'яч

to reflect - відображати

        Speech exercises

    I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

1.Why did you decide to choose tennis as your sport speciality?

2.What is tennis played with?

3.Where is the court divided by a net?

4.How many service courts are there?

5.What game are alleys used in?

6.What is the height of the posts the net is attached to?

7.Where must the players in tennis stand?

8.What is the right to be server or receiver divided by?

9.What right has the player winning the toss?

10.Where must the server serve first from?

11.What is «fault»?

12.Who is a point scored to if he serves a fault twice in succession?

13.What case mustn't the service ball be hit back over the net?

14.How long does playing continue?

15.Who do experienced tennis players must use different tactics against?

        II. True or false:

       1. If he serves a fault once in succession, a point is scored to the opponent (0:15).

2. To begin a game one player tosses up a ball.

       3. Experienced tennis players must use only one tactic against every opponent.   

4. Experts say that a tennis player's style reflects his character.

       III. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1.There are three chief strokes ___ tennis.

2.A lot ___ time has gone into preparations to develop power and speed.

3.What is the difference ___ doubles game and singles game?

4.Jim entered ___ the garden carrying a racket ___ his hand.

5.Many sportsmen are playing ___ tennis now.

6.Special attention is paid ___ the medical service ___ our sportsmen.

7.The third goal was scored ___ a young football player.

8.The tournament will be held___Kyiv.

9.They invited me to take part ___ the competition.

10. The captain looked ___ the players and said: «Line up!»

IV. Retellthedialogue. Play the dialogue adding different kinds of actions:

A: Come and have a game of tennis.

B: All right. I don't mind a knock-up. Let's toss for sides.

A: Well, I'll stay in this court and you can have service.

B: Some of your services are unplayable.

A: I've strained my wrist, so I'll have to serve underhand. I wish I were in better form.

B: Well, was it in or out?

A: It was a fault, just over the base-line.

B: Oh, another fault. Right into the net this time!

A: Now my service!

B: You got in a good smash at the net when I sent you that last lob.

A: What's the score?

B: Forty, I suppose.


knockup - розминка

totosssides - кидати жереб, кому на якому боці грати

service - подача

unplayable - неможливо відбивати

tostrainawrist - розтягнути зап'ястя

toserveunderhand - подавати знизу

wasthatout? - м'яч вийшов за межі майданчика?

you got in a good smash at the net - ти добре відправив м'яч у сітку

lob - удар

       Grammar exercises

       I. Insert articles where necessary:

1.He became quite ___ different person after ___ competition.

2.He plays ___ golf and ___ tennis well.

3.Does she play ___ piano ___ violin?

4.___ Black Sea is ___ bluest sea I ever saw.

5.Is ___ Volga longer than ___ Thames?

6.Don't be late for ___ training.

II. Fill in with «little»«a little»«few»«a few»«much»«many»:

1.He has ___ pairs of cotton socks.

2.There is ___ water in the bottle.

3.She has ___ work to do today.

4.May I ask you ___ questions?

5.She always puts ____milk in her coffee.

6.There is still ___ time left.

7.He has ___ friends at the university.

8.There is ___ hope that he will come today.

9.I know very ___ about it.

10. Only ___ students know this rule well.

       III. Translate into English, converting into negative form:

1.Він повернеться через кілька хвилин.

2.Лікарі не дозволяють пити багато води після тренувань.

3.Я дуже мало знаю про цей вид спорту.

4.Серед наших студентів є багато хороших спортсменів.

5.Вона знає багато віршів англійською мовою.

6.У тебе сьогодні багато роботи.

7.Наш тренер має кілька квитків на футбольний матч.

IV. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1.It was his first visit to the doctor.

2.  My task is to help you.

       3. You will have much work in the afternoon.

V. Fill in the blanks with «any», «some», «no», «every», «something», «anything», «nothing», «everything», «somebody», «anybody», «nobody», «everybody»:

1.Are there ___ of our teachers at the stadium? No, there aren't ___.

2.The question is so difficult that ___ can answer it.

3.I see ___ who is very much like you.

4.Does ___ here speak English?

5.___ must learn to pronounce English words correctly.

6.There is ___ on the chair, what can it be?

7.____ is all right.

8.I have no money about me, so I can buy ____.

       Unit 14


Volleyball is a modern game. It originated in America. The dame was in tented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Volleyball was then growing in popularity. It was developed as a modification of tennis. For some time people did not show any great interest in this game. But after the first exhibition of game in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1896, volleyball has become increasingly popular. Later volleyball became a splendid recreational game.

The basic idea of the play was to volley the ball back and forth over the net. Slowly more and more people were all attracted and the number of participants steadily increased. In the beginning the number of participants steadily increased. In the beginning the game had a few simple rules. The first complete set of rules was formulated in 1917 and since then volleyball has seen many additions and modifications as the game developed and became more specialized.

 Volleyball has spread to far off lands and it is played throughout the world. It is estimated that the game is popular in many countries. The game spread from one country to another. The International Volleyball Association was formed in 1947.

  The first World Volleyball Championship was held in 1949 in Prague, when twelve countries were represented. Reports say that the championship was conducted  at the winter stadium before daily crowds of fifteen thousands. In 1957 volleyball was given Olympic status and was officially recognized for Olympic competition by the International Olympic Committee. As volleyball can be played both indoors and outdoors it is an all-season sport.


modern game - сучасна гра

original - первинний

to invent - винаходити

firstexhibition - перша гра

splendidrecreationalgame - чудова гра для відпочинку

to volley the ball - відбивати м'яч

back and forth - туди і назад

to attract -  приваблювати

a complete set of rules - повна збірка правил

to spread to far off lands - розповсюджуватись в інші країни

toestimate - оцінювати

dailycrowds - щоденні натовпи вболівальників

officiallyrecognized - офіційно визнаний

indoorandoutdoor - закрите і відкрите приміщення

Speech exercises

    I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

1.What country was volleyball originated? 

2.Who was the game invented by?

3.A modification of what sport game was it developed?

4.Did people show great interest to this game?

5.When was the first exhibition of this game?

6.What is the basic idea of the play?

7.What kind of were the first rules of the game?

8.When was the first complete set of rules formulated?

9. How far has volleyball spread?

10. What was formed in 1947?

11. What country was the first World Volleyball Championship held in?

12. What do reports say about this Championship?

13. When was volleyball given Olympic Status?

        II. True or false:

        1. Volleyball can be played both indoors and outdoors.    

        2. It originated in Africa.

        3. Later volleyball became a splendid recreational game.

       4. The International Volleyball Association was banned in 1947.

       III. Insert prepositions where necessary:

       1. I went ___ the Crimea ___ my holidays. 2. The boys swam ___ the river and came __ the water. 3. I am very thankful ___ you ___ your help. 4. Some ___ the players fell ___ but the next moment they all rose ___ their feet and ran ___ the ball. 5. The boy who lives next door is very angry ___ me because I did not return the racket ___ time. 6. Do you know what happened ___ Mary yesterday? 7. They met us___ the station___ a lot ___ flowers. 8. I followed the Olympic news ___ the keenest interest. 9. Will you go ___ the stadium tomorrow? 10. My friend worked ___ the plant before he entered ___ the institute ___ Physical Culture.

IV. Retellthedialogue. Play the dialogue adding different kinds of sport:

M: Hallo, Dick. Where are you going?

D: To the football match. «Dynamo» is playing against «Metallurg» team.

M: Oh, yes. I clean forgot about it.

D: ׃Don't you care for football? I say it's funny. All people cheer for some team.

M: May be it is because I don't know the rules of the game. Suppose you'll take me to this match and explain things to me.

D: A grand idea.

M: I only know that a team has 11 players, each of whom has certain duties.

D: You know a lot. All you have to do at the match is to watch sharp and in no time you'll be caught by the general spirit and I'll be explaining you everything.

Grammar exercises

        I. Fill in «is» or «are»:

1.There ___ many famous sportsmen in our university.

2.There ___ a pen, two books and a dictionary on my desk.

3.There ___ much snow on the ground now.

4.There ___ a lot of new words in the text.

5.There ___ much sugar in my tea.

6.There ___ a table, a sofa, four chairs an armchair in my room.

7.There ___ many places of interest in London.

8.This river is big. There ___ many bridges on it.

9.There ___ a lot of flowers in our city in summer.

10. There ___ many lakes in this district.

        II. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1.1957 volleyball was given Olympic status.

2.It was developed as a modification of tennis.

3.The first complete set of rules was formulated in 1917.

4.Volleyball has seen many additions and modifications as the game developed. 

III. Choose the right pronouns «much», «many», «little», «a little», «few», «a few»:

1.We can't go skiing today. There is too ___ snow.

2.Let us take a walk in the garden, we have __ time.

3.He has __ friends and goes to visit them on Sundays.

4.__ of us can speak many foreign languages.

5.__  months ago we went to the mountains and stayed there for a week.

6.I know English badly, it always takes me __ time to read and translate a text.

       Unit 15


       Football is a mass sport in our country. It is the most favorite kind of sport.

       The game is played by two teams. Each team consists of 11 players: left back, left half-back, right back, right half-back, inside left, inside right, outside right, outside left, centre half, centre forward and goalie or goalkeeper.

       Besides these 11 players who play on the field there are some reserves. Every soccer player may head, kick at goal, hit, kick, shoot from volley, kick in running, etc. We distinguish between headwork or head playing, fisting, handling, etc. Every squad has its captain.

       All footballers wear football T-shirts, shorts and shoes with spikes. A referee is appointed to officiate in each team with two linesmen to assist him. Football players are trained on stadiums all year round.

This game develops precious qualities in a man necessary for him in labour: strength and will-power, initiative and persistence, agility and endurance.

The team scoring the greater number of goals during a game is a winner. If no goals or an equal number of goals are scored the game ends in a draw.


team - команда

to consist of - складатися

leftback - лівий захисник

rightback - правий захисник

outsideright - правий крайній нападник

insideleft - лівий півсередній нападник

centrehalf - центр захисту

centre for ward - центр нападу

goalie - воротар

tohead - бити м'яч головою

to kick at goal - бити м'яч у ворота

tohit - бити по м'ячу

tokick - бити м'яч ногою

to shoot from - бити м'яч на льоту

kickrunning - бити з розбігу

todistinguish - відрізняти

headplaying - гра головою

fisting - гра кулаками

handling - гра руками

squad - команда

towear - носити, бути вдягненим

spikes - шипи

linesman - боковий суддя

toassist - допомагати

preciousquality- цінні властивості

strength - сила

will-power - сила волі

persistence - наполегливість

agility - спритність, рухливість

endurant - надійний


I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

1.How many teams play this game?

2.How many players are there in each team?

3.What are they?

4.What may every soccer do?

5.What uniform do football player wear?

6.Who assists a referee?

7. What season can the players train?

8.What qualities does football develop?

9.What team is a winner after the match?

        II. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1.Football is played __ a field 90 to 120m. long.

2.How many football teams play ___ League A?

3.What makes football so popular all ___ the world?

4.The match ended ___ a draw.

5.The first goal had been scored __ the right back before the second half    began.

6.The score is two __ five ___ favour ___ our team.

7.Two players have been injured and removed ___ the field.

8.Mastering and perfecting football technique plays a leading part ___ a player's training.

          III. Compose and play the dialogue using vocabulary notes after the text.

Grammar exercises

I. Insert articles where necessary:

1.Our coach gave us ___ hard task.

2.Ex-champion showed ___ tricks he usually used.

3.___ coach brought us some balls.

4.___ Dynamo team is played worse than our team.

5.What is ___ duty of left and right backs?

6.The flying ball hit ___ net.

7.The goalkeeper fell on ___ knees and caught ___ ball.

8.___ last goal is scored by ___ centre forward.

   II. Give the degrees of comparison and compose the sentences:

Good, nice, long, funny, little, wide, new, interesting, significant, bad, wet, thin.

   III. Translate the following sentences into English and convert into negative and interrogative:

Я знаю хорошу подачу.Він знає гарнішу подачу.Вона знає найкращу подачу.

   IV. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:

1.Every squad has its captain.

2.Football is a mass sport in our country.

3.The team scoring the greater number of goals during a game is a winner. 

Unit 16


The game of handball has a number of features which recommend its inclusion in the programme. It requires no special racket, club or other expensive equipment. It can be played either indoors or outdoors and thus be enjoyed at any season.

The rules are quite simple - one can learn to play well enough to have fun in a very short time. A minute explanation will suffice to start a novice playing the game. It can be played by the young and the old with benefit. It is an excellent all-season sport for athletes.

Coordination of the body is developed to a high degree because of the instantaneous decision and responses required in playing the game. During the play both sides of the body are used in exactly the same manner.

The game is played on a court 30 to 50m long and 15 to 25m wide. A team consists of seven players, one of whom is a goalkeeper and the other six field players.       The object of the game is to throw the largest number of balls into the opponent goal and not to let any balls pass into their own goal. A ball for the game must be round, made of leather with a rubber bladder inside.

In handball the players are allowed to pass the ball by hands, catch the ball and throw it into the opponent goal. In the game of handball the players use natural movements: running, jumping, throwing.

This game develops strength, agility, endurance and other qualities important to a sportsman.

One must distinguish between the following throws: the shooting for goals, throw-off, two-hand throw, swinging throw, standing throw, throw-on, pivot throw, repeated throw, corner throw and many others.


number of features - кількість особливих рис

inclusion - введення до складу,  включення

torequire - вимагати

expensiveequipment - коштовне обладнання

toenjoy - насолоджуватись, одержувати насолоду

suffice [se`fais] - достатній

exactly -  точно, однаково

object - мета

rubberbladder - гумова камера

to allow - дозволяти

to catch - хапати, ловити

to throw - кидати

shooting for goal - кидок по воротах

throw off - кидок від воріт

two-handthrow - кидок двома руками

swingingthrow - кидок із замахом

standingthrow - кидок з місця

throw-on - початковий кидок

pivotthrow - кидок по воротах

repeatedthrow - повторний кидок

novice - новачок, початківець

instantaneous - негайний

        Speech exercises

    I. Answer the following questions, compose a short summary of the text 

    based on your answers:

1.What features does the game of handball have?

2.Where can handball be played?

3.What is it enough to start a novice playing the game?

4.What age people can play handball?

5.What is developed to a high degree when playing handball?

6.How are both sides of the body used during the play?

7.What is the sire of the court the game is played on?

8.How many players does the team consist of?

9.What is the object of the game?

10. What kind of must the ball be?

11. What are the players allowed in handball?

12. What are the main throws in handball?

       II. Insert prepositions:

1.The ball used in the game must be 58-60cm circumference.

2.__ handball the players are allowed to pass the ball __ hands and throw it __ the goal.

3.Whenever you find yourself __ the defensive position concentrate __ regaining the lost offensive position.

4.The game __ handball strengthens the health __ the player.

5.It ensures the development - many physical qualities.

6.__ the play both sides __ the body are used __ exactly the same manner.

7.The team went __ the Caucasus to rest__competitions.

8.Many athletes were decorated __ orders and medals.

9.The history __ sport is full __ examples __ hard trainings.

10. When the first goal was scored the captain __ our teem jumped __ pleasure.

III. Retellthedialogue. Play the dialogue adding different kinds of sport:

A: What kind of sport would you advise me to engage in?

B: As for me, I am all for handball. It is an excellent all-season sport.

A: Is it played indoors or outdoors?

B: It may be both an indoor and an outdoor game.

A: Does it require any special equipment?

B: Why, no. You want no special racket, club or any other expensive equipment. All you want is an ordinary gym suit and sports shoes.

A: It certainly is an advantage. And are the rules difficult to learn?

B: Far from it. They are pretty simple in fact.

A: Is one allowed to pass the ball by hands?

B: Yes, this is the main feature of handball. You may even catch the ball and throw it into the goal.

A: How very convenient! It realy looks pretty easy. And is it conductive to one's health?

B: It really does a world of good to you. As a matter of fact you do a lot of running, jumping and throwing which produces a beneficial effect on your health.

A: I used to know something about the numerous throws in handball, but I've forgotten all about them by now.

B: They are the essential thing, but you needn't get frightened by their number. You will learn them while playing.


       to engage - займатися

       ordinary gym suit - звичайний тренувальний костюм

       main feature - головна риса

       to be conductive to one's health - сприяти здоров'ю

       It really does a world of good to you - Цебудедужекориснодлятебе

Grammar exercises

I. Insert articles where necessary:

1. __ game of handball has __ number of features.

2. __ minute explanation will suffice to start __ novice playing __ game.

3. It can be __ played by __hand.

4. In handball __players are allowed to pass ___ ball by hands.

5. It is __ excellent all-season sport for athletes.

6. Seven players take part __game.

7.  Handball is __young kind of sport in our country.

8. __ game is very interesting and fascinating.

9. It produces __ beneficial effect on __ harmonious development of sportsmen.

II. Fill in the blanks with «as...as», «not so...as»:

1. This court is __ large __ the court we played.

2. I know German __ well __ English.

3. Nick's English is not __ good __ his friend's.

4. My conversation with the dean was not __ long __ yours.

       III. Put all possible questions to the sentences:

1.In handball the players are allowed to pass the ball by hands.

2.The game is played on a court 30 to 50m long and 15 to 25m wide.

3.This game develops strength, agility, endurance and other qualities.


        I.  Prediction

       A. Skim two articles,circle the answers:

Which article...

1. ...names athletes that got caught doping?

Reading 1_________________________________________

Reading 2_________________________________________

2. ...names specific drugs that athletes use?

Reading 1_________________________________________

Reading 2_________________________________________

3. ...says that doping in sports is a problem?

Reading l__________________________________________

Reading 2__________________________________________

4. ...talks about punishments for doping in sports?

B. Write a question that you think each article will answer:

Reading 1__________________________________________

Reading 2__________________________________________

       II. Read the articles. Look for the answers to your questions:

Reading 1:The Problem of Sports Doping

Sports doping is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. Although there are many different drug tests, each year even more different kinds of drugs are available, In addition, more athletes are taking drugs to help their performance. And it's not just professional athletes. Even some teenagers take drugs to help their high school team win «the big game».

Athletes use drugs in a number of different ways. Some take drugs to make themselves stronger and faster. They also use drugs to mask pain, help them relax, or increase their confidence. But they all take drugs for the same reason -to win. For some, winning is more than just a gold medal. A star athlete can earn a lot of money. For others, winning just means bragging rights-they can talk big for a while. So, although athletes know that working hard is the way to win, they also know that drugs can give them a special advantage. Some of them also believe that not taking drugs is a disadvantage.

Most of the drugs in the chart (beta-blockers, alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, caffeine, diuretics, anabolics, steroids, insulin)are banned in Olympic competitions; they are not allowed at all. However, some, such as cortisone, are only restricted in Olympic competition because they are sometimes necessaryUsing banned drugs can have many bad consequences. If an athlete is caught, he or she will not be allowed to compete. However, even if an athlete is not caught, these drugs are dangerous. For example, if athletes use drugs that mask pain, they may seriously injure themselves.                      Other banned drugs have even more serious consequences. Some drugs can cause heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer. Furthermore, injections that are not given by a doctor are always risky.

 Unclean conditions can also lead to serious diseases such as HIV-AIDS and hepatitis. Unfortunately, more and more competitors are willing to take all of these risks in order to win.

Reading 2Olympian Drug Problems

Many Olympians failed drug tests at the2004 games in Athens. The following listshows that sports doping is definitely a globalproblem. The list is long; however, rememberthat more than 10,000 Olympic athletescompeted in the 2004 Olympic Games.

Athletes caughttakingillegal drugs:
Greek weight lifter Leonidas Sampanis won a bronze medal. Later he failed a drug test and was the first athlete in Athens to lose his medal.

-Russian shot-putter Irina Korzhanenko won a gold medal. Then she tested positive for steroids and had to give back the medal.

-A women's rowing team from the Ukraine won a bronze medal and lost it after Olena Olefirenko tested positive for a banned stimulant.

-Weight lifter Zoltan Kovacs of Hungary finished last. But he was asked to leave The Games because he refused to take a drug test. He was the tenth weight lifter punished for doping,

-Greek runners Kostas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou said that they missed a drug test because they were in a motorcycle accident. When the International Olympic Committee started investigating, they dropped out of the Olympics.

-Aleksey Lesnichyi, a high jumper from Belarus, left The Games after he tested positive for steroids.

-Colombian cyclist Maria Luisa Calle Williams lost her bronze medal
alter testing positive for a stimulant

-The International Olympic Committee (IOC) did not alow Kenyan
boxer David Munyasia to compete in the Olympics because he tested
positive for a banned stimulant before The Games began.

-Puerto Rican wrestler Mabel Fonseca lost her fifth-place finish after
testing positive for a banned steroid.

-The International Weightlifting Federation did not allow Wafa
Ammonri of Morocco, Zoltan Kecskes of Hungary
Viktor Chislean of
Moldova, Pratima Kumari Na of India, and Sule Sahbaz of Turkey to
compete in the Olympics because they failed drug tests.

-Female weight lifters also had problems. Myanmars Nan Aye Khine
and India's Sanamacha Chanu both got fourth place in two different
weight classes. However, they later tested positive for banned drug
They had to leave the competition.

-Four days before the start of The Games, two Greek baseball players, a
Swiss cyclist, a Spanish canoe team member, and an Irish distance
runner were banned because of doping.

-American runner Torri Edwards was not allowed to compete because she
tested positive for a stimulant at an April race prior to the Olympics.

     III. Reading Comprehension

        A. Check your predictions:look back at questions 1-4 in the Predicpart.

How correct wereyour predictions?

Prediction                Correct                     Not Correct





        B. If you found theanswerstoyour questions, what were they?

Reading 1__________________________________________

Reading 2__________________________________________

        C. Check the factsread the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go

back to Reading 1 and look for the answers you are unsure of:

1. More athletes are taking drugs than before. ___

2. Professional athletes don't take drugs. ___

3. Some athletes take drugs so they don't feel pain. ___

4. Athletes must take drug tests before they compete in the Olympics. ___

5.Unclean conditions can also lead to serious diseases. ___

         D. Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of effects do drugs have?

2. According to the writer, why do athletes take drugs?

3. Why is winning important to athletes?

          E.  Write from Reading 2:

1. The names of countries with athletes that were caught doping: ___

2. The names of sports with athletes that were caught doping: ___

          F. Answer the questions to Reading 2:

1. What sport had the most athletes caught doping?

2. What were some of the punishments?

3. What kinds of drugs do you think these different types of athletes might take?

weight lifters____________________________________




4. Why did the writer of Reading 2 choose to name all of the offending athletes, their

countries, and their sports?

      IV. Vocabulary work

      A. Guess meaning from context:

1. What worldknowledge may help you guess the meaning of the following informal

     phrases:  «the big game», «bragging rights», «talk big»?

2. Try to guessthe meaning of these words from Reading 1, what clues did you use:

     «banned», «restricted», «consequences»?

3. The writer in Reading 2 uses the word «banne to describe two kinds of different

things. What are they?

     B. Guess meaning from related words:

1. The following words are in the readings. Find other words that arerelated to them:

Reading 1- «compete», «risks», «advantage»;

Reading 2 - «Olympics».

2. Work in pairs, draw a chart like this one in your notebook. Put the words from above exercises in the correct columns. Compare your work with another pair when youare done:






3. Find parts of common words inside these nouns: «weightlifting», «motorcycle»,

    «unclean», «baseball», «teenagers».

    V. Reading Skills

    A. What is the main purpose of Reading 1?

    B.  What is the main purpose of Reading 2?

    C. Which part of the text has the most helpful information?

1. The names of the drugs;

2. The names of the types of drugs;

3. The use of each drug.

    D. Discussion:

1. Do you think sports doping is a problem? Why or why not?

2. How often do you think professional athletes win because of drugs?

    VI. Read the next article to find the answers to these questions:

1. Why do some people think that sports doping is not a problem?

2. Why does the writer disagree with them?

3. How can sports doping get out of control?

4. What do some parents do about drugs?

5. According to the writer, what is the real problem?

Reading 3:The Real Danger of Sports Doping

Some people ask, «What's wrongwith athletes using drugs to helpthem compete better?» They say,«Even if drugs are dangerous, theathletes choose to take the risk». Inother words, athletes should havecomplete control over their ownbodiesThere are several problems withthis argument, however the most important one is that doping creates an unfair environment. Imagine that you and I are runners. I take drugs to help me run faster and I win. You think that you must also take drugs to have a fair chance.

     One can easily see how doping would soon get out of control. If you start doping, I have to find  another way to keep my advantage. Perhaps, I will decide to take more drugs.Maybe I will look for different, stronger drugs to give me a better chance.If I do this, you must follow me or lose. Both of us would continue taking
greater and greater risks.

Multiply this situation by thousands. Expand it from professional
athletes to amateurs, including children. You may be thinking, 
Who lets their children take drugs?
» We all know parents who want their
children to win at all costs. For them, there is no coach that is too
expensive; no amount of practice that is too much; no sacrifice that is too

These parents let their children take drugs to improve their chances.
After all, they might win a professional career, a college scholarship, or at
bragging rights for their proud parents.

In the end, of course, the real problem is not the doping. It is the
in-at-all-costs attitude. The importance of winning in sports is more
important than ever before. With the high value on winning, doping 
unavoidable. We can ban drugs. We can test athletes. We can even stop
them from competing, but we will never solve the problem until we change

     VII. Vocabulary work. Guess meaning from context:

    Control, out of control, fairunfair, professional, amateur.

     VIII. Reading Skills

     A. Understanding the use of examples:

1.Writers sometimes use an imaginaryexample to explain a point:what imaginarexample does this writer use?

2. What words does the writer use to show that the example is not real?  

3. What important idea does this example support?

4. Is it an effective example? Why or why not?

     B. Answer the questions. Explain your answers:

     1. You are a high school football player. You work really hard and practice more than your friends, but you rarely play in games. The coach says that you run and catch the ball really well but you are too small. A friend says that you should take steroids. They will help you get bigger and no one tests for drugs at your school. Would you agree to take the drug? Why?

     2. You are an excellent athlete. You have a chance to represent your country in the Olympics. Your coach says that your competitors are using banned drugs. He thinks that you should use them, too. He says that there is one drug that they can't find in drug tests.Would you agree to take the drug? Why?                                     

     3. You are a professional athlete. A clothing company wants you to advertise their sports clothes. They offer you a big contract if you win the championship. You might win and you might not. If you take a stimulant, you'll win.Would you take it?Why?

      C. Talk about your ideasWhich do you agree with? Why?

1. «It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game»,

-Grantland Rice, American sports writer (1880-1954)

2. «Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing».

-Vince Lombardi, American football coach (1913-1970)


IX. Reading 4Popular English Sports and Games

England is a sports-loving nation and when they are neither playing nor watching  games they like to talk about them and to discuss the major sporting competitions as the greatest events of the day.

If you ask the British to name their most favourite sports they may name football, cricket and tennis, though many of them go in for golf and hockey, athletics and climbing, rugby and rowing. Horse-racing, dog-racing and motor racing are also among the most popular sports in Great Britain.

Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Association football, or «soccer», is one of them. As an organized game it appeared in the middle of the 19 th century, but in fact the game is much older. Probably Roman soldiers brought it to England 2000 years ago. Most British cities and towns have a football team. Every year each team plays in the Football Association Сompetitions .The two best teams play in the Cup  Final  at the Wembley Stadium near London which holds 100.000 spectators. Some fans pay up to   250 for a ticket for the Cup Final. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

Another popular game appeared in 1859, when a teacher at Rugby school, while playing football, decided that it would be better to pick up the ball 4 and run with it. That is why the game took the name of rugby or «rugger». The rules of the game are different from football. There are 15 or 13 players instead of 11 in a team. The ball is oval, not round and a player is allowed to take the ball in his hands and run with it. He may also attack his opponent; hold him by the shoulders or by the legs. Rugby is a violent game and it is highly popular in many regions of the country especially in Wales.

Cricket is England's national summer game. It appeared in the 18th century. There are two teams of eleven players: one man the «bowler»  throws the ball and the «batsman» hits it with his bat. Cricket is a very long game. The most important matches can last from one to five days..

Golf is another kind of sports that is truly British.  The game is played by striking a ball with a special golf club round a golf course with 18 holes. The golf player should push the ball into a hole in the ground with as few strokes as possible . You need a special field for this game, so golf is rather expensive. Now it is played mostly in private clubs and is the sport of the rich.

Lawn tennis was also born in England at the end of the 19th century. The game soon spread all over the world.   Every summer, in June, the biggest international tennis tournament takes place at Wimbledon near London.

Some people say that horse-racing is the king of sports in Great Britain and others call it the sport of the kings. Only rich people can afford to 8go in for this kind of sport and only the rich can afford to buy tickets for the most famous races.

Swimming is also very popular. The British think that swimming is one of the most beneficial sports. Millions of people enjoy swimming both as a recreational activity and as a competitive sport.

Rowing is the most popular of all kinds of sports at the oldest English Universities. The University Boat Race 9is a traditional sporting competition between Oxford and Cambridge which is held on the Thames every spring.

The British are very sporting people. About 50 per cent of the populations of the United Kingdom (some 29 mln adults and 7 mln children) participate in some sports or recreational activity. Among the most popular sporting activities also are: walking, hiking, snooker and billiards, darts, athletics, squash and cycling.


      neither playing nor watching - не грають та не дивляться  

      Football Association Competitions - змагання, які проводяться футбольною асоціацією Англії

 the Cup Final - фінальна гра за кубок

that it would be better to pick up the ball -  було би краще підхопити м'яча

      bowler  - той, що подає (кидає) м'яча

      batsman - гравець із битою, що відбиває м'яч

      The golf player should push the ball into a hole in the ground with as few strokes as possible. - Гравець у гольф повинен послати  м'яч у лунку на полі, зробивши при цьому якомога менше ударів.

      Boat Race - змагання у греблі

       A.Find the answers:

1. What is sport number one in Great Britain?

2. What game originated from football and now differs greatly from it?

3. What game is for gentlemen in Great Britain?

4. Why is England a sports-loving nation?

        B. Find the equivalents:

Країна,  що любить спорт; найважливіше спортивне змагання в усьому світі; дійсно; дві найкращих команди; містити; ще одна популярна гра; відрізнятися від ...; замість; гравцю дозволяється; утримувати супротивника за плечі та ноги; кидати м'яч; головним чином; розповсюдитися по всьому світу; король спорту; спорт королів; вступити до тенісного клубу; бути схожим на; дозволяти собі; купити квітки на найвідоміші перегони; найбільш корисний вид спорту; насолоджуватися плаванням як видом активного відпочинку; у найстаріших англійських університетах; яке відбувається на річці Темзі; змагання з греблі; приблизно 29 мільйонів дорослих.

        C. Fill in with the words from the text:

1. Britain___ and developed a lot of sports and games played all over the world now.

2. Only rich people can afford to go in for___.

3. No matter how great the popularity of horse-racing is___beats it.

4. Rugby is a ___ game and it is highly popular in Wales.

5. ___is a typically British sport, it's played by two teams of eleven players.

6. You need a special field for that game, so___is rather expensive and is played in private clubs.

7. Tennis was born in England at the end of the 19th century and originally the game  was played on___.

8. Many children in Britain learn to swim at school and ___ as a pastime is enjoyed by millions of people.

9. The rules of rugger are different from soccer and there are 15 players instead of 11 in a ___.

10. ___ is the most popular of all kinds of sports at the oldest English Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

      D.Use the appropriate form of the verb, retell the text

1. The British (to be) a sports-loving nation.

2. Their most favourite sports (to be) football, cricket and tennis, but many of them (to) go in for golf, hockey, athletics and climbing rugby and rowing.

3. Britain (to invent) and (to develop) many of the sports and games which (to be) now popular all over the world.

4. Soccer (to be) one of them. It (to appear) in the middle of the 19th century.

5. The Cup Final (to be) one of the most important football matches of the year in England, it (to be) always played at the Wembley Stadium, which (to hold) 100.000 spectators.

6. Another popular game, rugby, (to appear) in 1859; it (to originate) from football, but the rules (to be) different. There (to be) 15 or 13 players in a team and the ball (to be) oval.

7. Cricket (to be) England's national summer game. It (to be) played with a ball and a bat by two teams of 11 players.

8. Golf (to be) a truly British Sport. It (to be) played with clubs and light balls. Golf  (to be) rather expensive. Rich people (to play) it in private clubs.

9. Lawn tennis also (to be born) in England at the end of the 19th century. Soon the game (to spread) all over the world.

10. Swimming and rowing (to be) also very popular. The University Boat Race (to be) a traditional sporting competition between Oxford and Cambridge which (to be held) on the Thames every spring.

11. About 50 per cent of the population of the United Kingdom (to participate) in some sports or recreational activity.

       E. Read and play the dialogue:

Mr.Brown: Well, that was certainly a good game. The best we've seen this winter.

David: Yes, better than last week. Easthampton has a good team, but the Bishopton players won because they are faster.  Who are Bishopton playing with next week?

B: Cardiff City, I think.

D: Do you think, they'll win?

B: Most likely they will. In Wales rugger is more important than soccer, but Cardiff has a good  team this year.

D: Which team will win the Cup?

B: Blackpool has a good chance, but I'm sure Manchester has a better.

D: What about Bolton?

B: It goes without saying they have the best chance of all.

D: Why do you think so?

B: Because they have a very fast team and some of their players are very clever with the ball.They can think as well as run and that's the most important thing in football.

D: Can you get tickets for the Cup this year?

B: I can't say for sure but I know the secretary of the Bishopton Football Club.I believe, he'll get me two tickets.

D: Can you get three? My father  wants to go.

B: I think, I'll try. But it's harder every year to get tickets, because so many people want to go.



add- додавати

adult - доросла людина

allovertheworld - в усьому світі

allow дозволяти

amateursoccer - аматорський 

appear - з'являтися


bat - біта

bending and stretching - нахили та розтягнення

beneficial - корисний, вигідний

benefit - користь


catch- хапати, ловити

choose - вибирати

climbing - альпінізм (syn. mountaineering)

club- ключка для гри в гольф

compulsorysubject - обов'язковий предмет

constantlychanges - постійно змінюється

cricket - крикет

crosscountryrace - біг по пересіченій місцевості


dailyactivity - щоденна діяльність

darts- гра «дротики»

decathlon - десятиборство

developing and growth - розвиток і ріст

differentrules - різні правила; правила, що відрізняються одне від одного

discusthrowing - метання диска

dog racing - собачі перегони

drivetoaccelerate - біг із прискоренням


enjoypopularity - набути популярності

exactly- точно, однаково

exciting - захопливий

exercise - фізичне навантаження

expensiveequipment - коштовне обладнання


favouritegame - улюблена гра

finalrace- фінальний біг

flexibility- гнучкість

(tobe)fondof - любити, захоплюватись

foranytaste - на будь-який смак


golf  course - майданчикполе для  гри в гольф

greatdistance - велика відстань


hammerthrowing - метання молота

healthy - здоровий

highjump - стрибок у висотуу

hiking- довгі прогулянки пішки, піший туризм

hold - тримати, затримувати, містити                                                              

horseracing - кінний спорт, перегони

hotstepandjump - потрійний стрибок

humanity - людство


include включати

inclusion - введення до складу,  включення

instantaneous - негайний

invent - винаходити


javelinthrowing - метання списа

jogging - біг підтюпцем, розминочний біг

join - приєднуватися, вступати


keepfit - підтримувати гарну форму, бути у формі


lawn tennis - (великий) теніс

longjump - стрибок у довжину

longjumpwithrunning - стрибок у довжину з розбігу

lowjumpстрибок з низького старту


major - великий, значний

mankind - людство

middle-distance race (run) - біг на середню дистанцію

motor racing - автомобільні перегони


necessaryfacilities - необхідне знаряддя

novice- новачок, початківець

numberoffeatures - кількість особливих рис


object - мета

olimpionic - переможець стародавніх Олімпійських ігор

openspace - відкрите місце


pay much attention to приділяти велику увагу

pentathlon - пятиборство

personalinitiative - особова ініціатива

pickup - піднімати

pivotthrow - кидок по воротах

polevault - стрибок із шестом


relayrace - естафетний біг

repeatedmovements - рухи, що повторюються

repeatedthrow - повторний кидок

require- вимагати

rubberbladder - гумова камера

rugby - регбі

rule - правило

running direction - бігова дистанція

running in the curve - біг на повороті

runningjump - стрибок з розбігу

runningontoes- біг на носках


scissorshighjump - стрибок у висоту з переступом

shot-put - штовхання ядра

shootingforgoal - кидок по воротах

snooker - снукер (вид більярдної гри)

soccer- футбол

spectator - глядач, спостерігач

spectacular - захопливий, ефектний

squatjump- стрибок із зігнутими ногами

standinghopstepandjump- потрійний стрибок з місця

standingjump - стрибок з місця

standingthrow - кидок з місця

steeple-chase - біг з перешкодами

strike - вдарити по чомусь

suffice - достатній

swingingthrow - кидок із замахом


takeplace - мати місце, відбуватися

take part in competitions - брати участь у змаганнях

that is why - ось чому

throw - кидати

throwoff - кидок від воріт

throw-on початковий кидок

track  and field athletics - легка атлетика

trialrun - контрольний біг

two-handthrow - кидок двома руками


villagegreen - сільська лука

violent - жорсткий, грубий, сильний, інтенсивний


walking - спортивна ходьба



1.Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koeing. New English File.-Oxford University Press, 2007.

2.Cunningham Sarah, Peter Moor. New Cutting Edge. Pearson Education Limited, 2007.

3.Evans Virginia, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 4.Express Publishing, 2006.

4.Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. -Cambridge University Press, 2003.

5.Израилевич Е.Е.,Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка. - К.: Методика, 1996. 

6.Куліш В.Ю. Прискорений курс англійської мови.- К.,1991.

7.Тимонова В.М.Английский язык для институтов физической культуры. - М.:Высшая  школа,1985.

8.Трошин А.С. Олимпийский спорт иигры (на англійскомязыке).- М.: Просвещение, 1982.

9.Бондар О. EnglishCommunication. - К.,2005.

10. Голіцинський Ю. Граматика - К.׃ «А.С.К.»,2003.

11. Дехтярёва В.В. Английский язык для студентов институтов физической культуры - К. ׃Вища школа, 1980.


1. Effective Presentations by Jeremy Comfort Oxford University Press, 2002.

2. Effective Meetings by Jeremy Comfort Oxford University Press, 2002.

3. Nesterchuk G.V. Ivanova V.M. The USA and the Americans. - Минск, 1997.

4. New Headway / John and Liz Soars / Pre-Intermediate - Oxford University Press,   2004.

5. New Headway / John and Liz Soars / Intermediate - Oxford University Press, 1996.

6. New First Certificate Masterclass Simon Haines, Barbara Stewart - Oxford University Press, 1997.

7. Practical English Grammar / A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet Oxford University Press, 1996.

Електронні джерела:

1. Інтернет сайти: Skysports.comBBCSport (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport)

2. Sports News-The New YorkTimes(www.nytimes.com/pages/sports/index.html)

3. www.oup.com/elt


Таблиця неправильних дієслів








/bɪ 'kʌm/


/bɪ 'keɪm/


/bɪ 'kʌm/


/bɪ 'gɪn/


/bɪ 'gæn/


/bɪ 'gʌn/














































































































































/eɪt, et/








































/fər 'get/


/fər 'gɒt/


/fər 'gɒtn/


/fər 'gɪv/


/fər 'geɪv/


/fər 'gɪvən/




















































































































































































































































/ʃoun, ʃɒn/


/ʃoun, ʃɒn/






















































































































































































/ʌndər 'stænd/


/ʌndər 'stʊd/


/ʌndər 'stʊd/

























Ultime modifiche: Monday, 13 November 2023, 20:37