Підсумковий тест

Choose the correct variant:

1. She enters, ______ by her mother.

a. accompanying

b. being accompanying

c. accompanied

2. ______ by the crash, he leapt to his feet.

a. Arousing

b. Have been aroused

c. Aroused

3. ______ about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.

a. Warned

b. Having been warned

c. Warning

4. ______ that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything.

a. Convincing

b. Convinced

c. Convince

5. Tom, ______ at what he had done, could at first say nothing.

a. horrified

b. having horrified

c. horrifying

6. Jones and Smith came in, ______ by their wives.

a. followed

b. following

c. follow

d. have followed

7. ______ by the blow, Peter fell heavily.

a. Stunning

b. Stunned

c. Stun

8. The new job ______ to me lately seems to be very interesting.

a. offered

b. offering

c. has offered

9. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread ______ into two halves.

a. divides

b. dividing

c. divided

d. was divided

10. The animals ______ in the morning struggled furiously.

a. catched

b. caught

c. catching

11. It’s desirable that she … at the dance studio at 4.
a. was
b. is
c. be
d. to be

12. It … a great pleasure to help her!
a. was
b. would be
c. can be
d. could be

13. If I were you, I … this work at once.
a. did
b. would do
c. had done
d. would have done

14. Without the ozone layer to shield from part of the sun's UV rays, the earth during the day __________, too hot for us to live.

a. will be boiling hot

b. would be boiling hot

c. can boil hotly

d. would be boiled hot

15. .............he would have come to class.

a. If Mike had been able to finish his homework

b. If Mike is able to finish his homework

c. If Mike could finish his homework

d. Would Mike be able to finish his homework

16. The other day I watched a dog dance in the middle of the square. If I ___it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it.

a. didn't see

b. hadn't seen

c. wouldn't have seen


17. The bookstore is so far from my house. I wish it___ within a walking distance.

a. would be

b. had been

c. were

18. The flowers would grow much better if you ___them regularly.

a. watered

b. water

c. had watered

19. It's absolutely necessary that they___ the job on time. Otherwise they would be given an enormous fine.

a. would complete

b. should complete

c. should have completed

20.My husband would have been mad at me if I ____his tools in their proper place.

a. wouldn't have put

b. hadn't put

c. didn't put

Метод оцінювання: Краща оцінка.